Groups are the life blood of the u3a. All our Groups are interactive and self organised. Members share their knowledge and skills and learn from each other in a friendly, undemanding environment. Some members have experience, knowledge and skills that they would like to continue practising and pass on to others. Many members are happy to take advantage of what can be learnt from them.
However, many groups get together to find out for themselves all about the subject that interests them. To this end, the Reigate & Redhill u3a has formed more than 110 groups, covering subjects from Book Clubs to Bridge, Current Affairs to Climate Change, Languages to Lunch Clubs, Walking to Wine Appreciation. There should be something for everyone, but if not, then forward your suggestions for something new.
You need to be a member of Reigate and Redhill u3a before you can join a group
visit our Membership page to find out more about how to join.
Each group meets, on average, once a month, often in fellow members' homes. It does not have to include an expert on the chosen subject, as all members learn from each other, or join together to research their interests. A leader has to be nominated for each group, simply as a point of contact, but that person does not have to be any more experienced in the subject of interest than the rest of the group.
Groups are there for the whole membership and we are always pleased to receive new ideas so that we can build on our well-established list.