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What is Reigate and Redhill u3a?Founded in 1982, u3a* is a UK-wide collection of locally run interest groups that provide a wide range of opportunities to come together to learn for fun. People enjoy exploring new ideas, skills and activities together. There are 1,039 u3as with over 430,000 members and membership is open to everyone who is no longer in full-time work. *originally called the University of the Third Age, now u3a. Reigate & Redhill u3a was formed in 1986 and has over 950 members and over 110 Groups that meet, usually in members' homes, to share a variety of educational, creative and leisure activities. They are small, friendly and undemanding groups made up of about eight to ten members who meet simply to enjoy being with others who have similar interests and to learn more about their chosen subjects. In normal times, we also hold monthly meetings, coffee mornings and evening entertainments, we organise outings and holidays. Our members are also able to attend Study Days and Summer Schools organised by the regional and national u3a. We look forward to welcoming you. Gillian Haimes - Chair
What happens at monthly meetings?Monthly Meetings are normally held on the first Friday of the month at 2 p.m. at Reigate Park Church, Park Lane East, Reigate, RH2 8BD. We have a speaker and besides interesting talks on a wide variety of topics the meetings provide opportunities to meet and chat to other members. We always have tea and biscuits after the talks and it is an ideal chance to socialise. Visitors are welcome at the Friday meetings. Meetings are also streamed on YouTube by a link circulated prior to the meeting. For details of the speaker programme, please visit the What's On page.
Can I see examples of creative outcomes of u3a activities?A regularly changing display of photographs from the photographic group can be seen on the Photos page. On the Videos page there is a live feed to our YouTube channel containing videos of painting and embroidery art, monologues, mini plays, documentaries and music.
How do I become a member of Reigate and Redhill u3a?​Membership costs £14.00 a year per person or £25.00 for two people at the same address and runs from April to March. There are reduced fees if you are a full member of another u3a. If you are interested in joining us, please visit our Membership page for more information or contact us by email to or tel: 01737 929001 ​
What are Groups?Groups are the life blood of the u3a. All our Groups are interactive and self organised. Members share their knowledge and skills and learn from each other in a friendly, undemanding environment. Some members have experience, knowledge and skills that they would like to continue practising and pass on to others. Many members are happy to take advantage of what can be learnt from them. Most groups meet in members' houses and are therefore limited in size. You need to be a member of Reigate and Redhill u3a before you can join a group. To find out more about groups, please visit the Groups page.
How do we communicate with members?A monthly Bulletin is sent out by email. Current versions can be accessed on the Publications page. Our Magazine 'Here & Now' is published three times a year. The Third Age Trust send all members a national magazine - Third Age Matters - 5 times a year.
What happens at Coffee Mornings?Everyone is welcome to attend the coffee mornings held once a month from 10.15am to 11.30am on the second Tuesday for "even" months (February, April, June, August, October, December) or second Thursday for "odd" months (January, March, May, July, September, November). Members may bring books, CDs or jigsaw puzzles to swap and there is help with Computing - so bring your computing device with you if you need some advice. Sometimes we have a themed coffee morning, for example a "plant swap". The venue is usually the Light Lounge in Redhill and refreshments can be purchased. For details of the programme, please visit the What's On page.
What are RRu3a Entertainments?Before the pandemic, U3A Evenings took place from April to September at Reigate Manor Hotel. A programme of events based on the interests, research and talents of u3a members was drawn up by an organising team. There was also a Christmas show. During the pandemic the performance team produced a range of videos based on Zoom recordings. These can be found on our videos page and on our YouTube channel. From 2022 a series of Entertainments and Events have taken place a variety of venues in the afternoon. There have been shows using the talents and skill of our members and open events focussing on wellbeing topics. If you are interested in contributing to these events, please contact Mike Cockett on For details of the Entertainments and Events programme for this year, please visit the What's On page.
OutingsAround six outings a year are organised to London and other areas in the South East. For details of the outings programme, please visit the What's On page. Pick-up times for outings unless otherwise shown: Redhill Old Post Office: 9.00am Reigate Police Station: 9.05am Red Cross: 9.10am Reminder: Outings must be paid for at the time of reservation, otherwise the place is not guaranteed.
HolidaysTwo holidays are organised each year, one in the Autumn and one in early summer. To see details of the Holidays programme, please visit the What's On page.
What are Study Days?Study Days are organised by the u3a Surrey Network are generally held in the concert hall of the Yehudi Menuhin School, Stoke d'Abernon. The programme for each Study Day normally starts at 9.30 a.m. with registration, and runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with breaks for coffee, lunch and tea. The cost including coffee/tea and biscuits is £12.00 and the same amount for connecting remotely at home. A visitor who is not a member of the U3A will be charged £15.00. Attendees are advised to bring a packed lunch. Advance booking is necessary. Forms can be downloaded from the Surrey U3A Network.
How is Reigate and Redhill u3a managed?Reigate and Redhill u3a is run by members who all give their time on a voluntary basis. A committee of at least 12 people are elected at an AGM and, as Trustees, manage and oversee all the activities. Photographs of the some of our committee members you are most likely to meet face to face can be found on the Contact Us page. The current committee membership is as follows: Angela Austin, Val Busby, Lloyd Chapman, John Cousins, Heather Earl, Gillian Haimes, Martin Livesey, Peter Lloyd, Hilary Loney, Nikki Stoddart, Keith Vickers and John Winter. There over 1000 u3as in the UK under the umbrella organisation of the Third Age Trust - to find out more visit the u3a website by clicking here.
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